KILLSWITCH ENGAGE Members Schedule Masterclass At British Music Experience

January 23, 2013

Guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz and vocalist Jesse Leach of Massachusetts metallers KILLSWITCH ENGAGE will hold a masterclass at the British Music Experience on Saturday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m.

Coinciding with the release of the band's new album, "Disarm The Descent", Dutkiewicz and Leach will take time out from their busy promo schedule to talk to fans about the making of the CD and how they’ve maintained such a high level of artistic achievement as a group.

Multi-instrumentalist Adam originally played drums for KILLSWITCH ENGAGE before moving on to guitar. In addition to being KILLSWITCH ENGAGE's primary songwriter, he has taken up the role of producer for the band's albums, as well as other metal acts such as UNEARTH, EVERY TIME I DIE and PARKWAY DRIVE. Jesse is now back fronting KILLSWITCH ENGAGE after a productive hiatus in other groups since he exited KILLSWITCH in the early 2000s.

With Adam hailing British groups as diverse as MASSIVE ATTACK, BOWIE and STEEL PULSE as influences, this session is a must for any fan and budding musician.

Tickets for this event are free. To be in for a chance of winning a pair of tickets, mail you and your pals name to with your favorite KILLSWITCH ENGAGE song and reason it's your favorite.

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